Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Challenge

I have been doing a study with Dr. Rick Warren that has really had me thinking this week about the whole issue of letting go. A few days ago the topic was on idols – those things in our lives that we allow to replace God or that we put before God. I hadn’t really thought about the possibility that I have idols until that devotional. To quote Dr. Warren “Now, listen carefully, when something crowds God out of my heart, you know what it's called? It's called an idol. An idol is anything that takes the place of God in my heart. And the Bible says there should be no idols in our hearts.” After reading this, I realized that my family, especially my boys, is my idol. I put their wants and needs before God and what He would have me do. And, I know that I can no longer do that. If I truly am going to learn to let go of the encumbrances of my life that has to include all the things that keep me from being who I should be in God and my family is that thing. While I may not be ready to leave them in the service of God, I can allow them to make their own mistakes, fix their own problems and live their own lives while I do the same. If I had given to God all I’ve given to them there is no telling whom I could have reached or how I might have been used. Just another area where I am learning to let go.

Jesus tells us in Luke 18 of the rich young ruler who asked him “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” v. 18. The young ruler didn’t like Jesus’ answer for after telling the ruler to keep his commandments Jesus then went one step further and said “One thing you still lack; sell all that you possess and distribute it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” v. 22. Of course the young ruler wasn’t prepared for this answer and he “became very sad” v. 23 because as a rich man with lots of possession and a family he loved, this was more than he was willing to give. And, I realize that it is more than I am willing to give as well. But, if I truly am going to let go and simplify my life to the things that really matter, isn’t that the point? There is of course the issue of the family I have, the husband I submit to, and the world in which I live. So, this will be the challenge for me, to truly give up what is mine, and to be willing to live for God no matter what those around me say.

I know that the expectation of the Savior is that I be willing to sacrifice everything I have and am to follow him. I know I’m not there yet, but I know that I want to be. This journey will be about what happens to me and to the relationships in my life as I truly become the child of God I am designed to become. I want to find out if I can live the commandment from Jesus to “take up your cross and follow me.” I’ve wasted enough time wallowing in self-pity, regret and remorse. It is time to move forward and find my place wherever that may be.

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